Thursday, April 10, 2008

they have a patron saint for that??

Okay, I guess my "Catholic" is showing....but anyway, as a kid,  I always remember hearing folks say you should pray to the  patron saint of this or that and my mom knew tons of them,  but I can't say that I remember any of them very well.  Well, other than the biggies, like St. Joseph and St. Mary of course, and  St. Christopher (didn't every Catholic have one of those medals in the car?) and then maybe St. Patrick (patron saint of green and snakes??) and St. Anthony, patron saint of lost stuff (specifically, my keys).  So here is a timely one, and a new one to me, St. Peregrine, the patron of cancer patients.

Although the stories you find about him differ a little, it basically goes like this: St. Peregrine, like St. Paul, was openly defiant of the Church as a young man. In Italy in the 1200's he he actually hit a priest, St. Philip Benizi,  in the face.  When Philip offered him the other cheek, Peregrine was duly humbled, and he repented and was converted.  He became a brother in the Servite order and was later afflicted with cancer in the leg  (probably caused by standing much of the time which was a part of his asceticism).  Before surgery to remove the leg, he prayed all night before the cross.  He fell into a trance and he saw Christ touch his leg.  When he awoke, the leg was cured.  He lived 20 more years.  He was canonized in 1726 and his feast day is coming up soon, May 4.  What I like about his story is not the miracle part, but how he put himself so unconditionally in God's hands with trust.  I also know some of us aren't the prayin' kind, or the pray-to-a-saint kind...but for those who are, or are about to be,  you can ask St. Peregrine to intercede on Dick's behalf.  There is also the option of wearing a St. Peregrine medal (one is already on it's way to Salina) and they are available at a wide range of prices online.


tim said...

can we get a bulk discount on them peregrine medals?

monica said...

i think so....depends on how many people want them. i'll look into it if enough people want them!

tim said...

We'll take 10.