Friday, April 11, 2008

Yeah, I remember those guys too. I've given up on St. William (if there ever was one (and if there was, boy am I an enigma...)), but anyway - I've given up on him long since. Nothin personal - I'm sure he was a good guy (unless he used steroids, which would require a canonization '*'), but it seems like everything I ever bounced off him I wound up with the opposite (kinda like my letters to Santa Claus..). Maybe everybody up there's got dyslexia, I dunno. In any event, another guy I remember is St. Jude. The way it goes, you say the 'prayer to St. Jude' daily for 30 (?) days, and promise to publish a 'thank you' (like in the newspaper) after your request is granted. Never tried that tho because he's supposed to be a 'lost cause' kinda guy, and I was always kinda worried what I'd do next if it didn't work, so I just kept it in my back pocket. Not gonna try that now either, cuz I believe in my heart that this ain't a lost cause and there ain't no sense in wasting the heavy ammunition. Hell - maybe I'll give William another shot and see if he can get somethin right for once....

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