Monday, July 14, 2008

Outdoor Accustic Music

Does anybody come around anymore?

Well, we're not seeing much in the way of live (or recorded) entertainment these days, but outdoor concerts are great for kids and especially their parents. We got a few free tickets to the Folk and Bluegrass fest at Snowbird last weekend. Thanks Teri. Some highlight include performances by Carrie Rodriguez, The Wilders, Peter Rowen, and Sam Bush. Olivia is a great little festivarian.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Saturday Everybody

Welcome to Big McKinney 2008.  Please take a minute to post something, anything (witty, non-witty, boring, non-boring, etc.) just for fun.  ALSO can you take a look at the Salina Schedule there on the top of the right panel.  Highlight the url, right click and voila.  Hope you are having good weather where you are.  Take care, Monica, Kelly, Erin and James 

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

12th Birthday - NYC

Erin and friends (a sinister looking bunch, huh?) celebrated her birthday yesterday with sushi, pizza, cake and fun.  Hard to believe she's 12!  Photo to the far right is one of Shamu the stuffed whale (fresh from SeaWorld) taking a balloon ride.  This was one of many party games.  A good (and loud) time was had by all.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Olivia Grey McKinney

Olivia Grey McKinney born 04/12/2008 at 0209.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Yeah, I remember those guys too. I've given up on St. William (if there ever was one (and if there was, boy am I an enigma...)), but anyway - I've given up on him long since. Nothin personal - I'm sure he was a good guy (unless he used steroids, which would require a canonization '*'), but it seems like everything I ever bounced off him I wound up with the opposite (kinda like my letters to Santa Claus..). Maybe everybody up there's got dyslexia, I dunno. In any event, another guy I remember is St. Jude. The way it goes, you say the 'prayer to St. Jude' daily for 30 (?) days, and promise to publish a 'thank you' (like in the newspaper) after your request is granted. Never tried that tho because he's supposed to be a 'lost cause' kinda guy, and I was always kinda worried what I'd do next if it didn't work, so I just kept it in my back pocket. Not gonna try that now either, cuz I believe in my heart that this ain't a lost cause and there ain't no sense in wasting the heavy ammunition. Hell - maybe I'll give William another shot and see if he can get somethin right for once....

Thursday, April 10, 2008

they have a patron saint for that??

Okay, I guess my "Catholic" is showing....but anyway, as a kid,  I always remember hearing folks say you should pray to the  patron saint of this or that and my mom knew tons of them,  but I can't say that I remember any of them very well.  Well, other than the biggies, like St. Joseph and St. Mary of course, and  St. Christopher (didn't every Catholic have one of those medals in the car?) and then maybe St. Patrick (patron saint of green and snakes??) and St. Anthony, patron saint of lost stuff (specifically, my keys).  So here is a timely one, and a new one to me, St. Peregrine, the patron of cancer patients.

Although the stories you find about him differ a little, it basically goes like this: St. Peregrine, like St. Paul, was openly defiant of the Church as a young man. In Italy in the 1200's he he actually hit a priest, St. Philip Benizi,  in the face.  When Philip offered him the other cheek, Peregrine was duly humbled, and he repented and was converted.  He became a brother in the Servite order and was later afflicted with cancer in the leg  (probably caused by standing much of the time which was a part of his asceticism).  Before surgery to remove the leg, he prayed all night before the cross.  He fell into a trance and he saw Christ touch his leg.  When he awoke, the leg was cured.  He lived 20 more years.  He was canonized in 1726 and his feast day is coming up soon, May 4.  What I like about his story is not the miracle part, but how he put himself so unconditionally in God's hands with trust.  I also know some of us aren't the prayin' kind, or the pray-to-a-saint kind...but for those who are, or are about to be,  you can ask St. Peregrine to intercede on Dick's behalf.  There is also the option of wearing a St. Peregrine medal (one is already on it's way to Salina) and they are available at a wide range of prices online.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I can't believe I'm actually blogging. Good Lord, can there be text messaging in my future?!?

70s TV Shows

Ride along as paramedics Roy DeSoto (Kevin Tighe) and John Gage (Randolph Mantooth) and their colleagues from Squad 51 coast through the streets of Los Angeles saving lives. Far from being glamorous, however, their jobs are stressful as they race against the clock, rushing patients to Rampart Hospital and taking action on the spot. But these emergency workers soon learn that humor is the best salve for wounded spirits, if not for injured bodies.

Florida fun...Universal Studios

Now I can post to the blog.  Yeah!  And here are Erin and James competing for the $12 gift certificate in front of Mel's Diner at Universal Studios. (You can't see it, but it looks just like the Mel's we saw in SF last June, minus the old cars, of course).  I'll have more to post soon...we have waterpark and Sea World pics on the waterproof camera which have to be developed off site.  
PS Just there any news from Utah on the arrival of the newest McKinney?  

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Welcome to Big McKinney Blog

Welcome to our cool little blog spot, where McKinney's and McKinney loved ones, friends, fans, colleagues, critics and sworn blood enemies gather to opine on weighty matters of the day (that is, stuff important to us).  There is lots more to come at this spot so bookmark it and drop in anytime.  And most important: POST 

Rock Chalk Jayhawk pardners!